Sunday 31 March 2013

Legacy mine tailing dams - dirty water in Tasmania

Download and listen to RN  Background Briefing Sun 31 Mar. 2013, to find out how many towns in Tasmania where you can't drink the water! Mostly this is from old mine tailing dams which have not been cleaned up. Mineral's Tasmania say they only have $150,000 to clean up/rehabilitate the Royal George mine site - a 'drop in the ocean!' Dorset Council have 23 towns that do not have potable water. It took along time before Ben Lomond Water advised this - Dorset Council did not tell the community. Tasmania has safe blood levels of lead as 10 micrograms level is 5 micrograms. Dr Allison Bleeney from St Helens asks why? Clean Green Tasmania - just a cover -up. The same will happen to the Carlton River if hazardous waste is buried in a C cell!