Thursday, 11 February 2016

Media Release 11 Feb 2016


For Immediate Release   11 February 2016 

Final Legal Costs Hearing Copping Waste Authority (SWS) Vs SBCS and Marsh 

Before Justice Blow in the Supreme Court 4.15pm. 
Justice Blow will hand down his final decision regarding costs in the legal action brought by the Copping Waste Authority (SWS) against Southern Beaches Conservation Society Inc. (SBCS) and Angela Marsh.  

SWS decided to discontinue their Action following a scheduled date for trial on 23 – 27 November 2015, before Justice Escort. SBCS and Marsh were confident of a very favourable outcome of the trial. 

Costs could amount to $100,000 for SWS. As an Authority answerable to the Councils who are its owners these costs will inevitably be passed on to rate payers. 

                                              *MEDIA RELEASE ENDS*