Monday, 21 December 2015

Media Release

Southern Beaches Conservation Society
Dump the Toxic Dump


For Immediate Release                                                      20 Dec 2015
Another shonky move by government
If Matthew Groom really wants Tasmania to be a clean green state why has he turned down a waste levy in favour of funding landfill? In other jurisdictions, in line with first world countries, high waste levies are put into place by government in order to encourage phasing out landfill in accord with the recommendations from the OECD. 
Instead of funding the C cell State government would be far better off implementing a state waste management strategy - raising a hazardous waste levy to encourage business to deal with their own waste and using proposed funding and the levy as an industry start-up incentive to waste recycling and remediation industries. This would provide far more than jobs, it could be a real move in the right direction for Minister Groom's touted, 'Our Big Green Goal,' rather than a toxic cell in a hole in the ground.
Nyrstar is an example of industry taking responsibility for their own waste. They ship waste to SA for reprocessing, ending up with an inert substance used for bricks. Without incentives business will be only too pleased to transfer their hazardous waste to future ratepayers and not have the responsibility of dealing with it.
Southern Waste Solutions, who for over three years have not been able to raise the funds from the private sector, because they do not have a viable business case, have been bailed out by Councils to the tune of $1.9mil, only made a profit of $80,000 last year and have outstanding liabilities of $4mil. They do not have one organization that has confirmed that they will use the c cell.  Only 10,000 tonnes of legacy waste across Tasmania has been identified in their report – hardly the quantity to merit the cost of a 300,000 tonne C cell and much of this waste could be remediated in-situ given the incentive to do so.
As for waste from Antarctica -does Tasmania really want to accept waste from other Antarctic countries such as: Italy; China; and Russia; to name just three of a long list. We do not need to tempt these countries to Tasmania to be known as the Toxic Dump for Antarctica. This is also in contravention of the core principles of the Basal  Convention.
In the past our own Antarctic waste has been transported to WA but in future there will be very little Australian Antarctic waste as it is less impacting on the environment to remediate or seal it in situ. Since 2015 France’s solid and liquid waste has been completely used as waste to generate energy.
Minister Groom why condemn Tasmania to another 10 – 20 years of toxic landfill?
                                              *MEDIA RELEASE ENDS*
For further information, please contact Dump the Toxic Dump: