Tuesday, 3 December 2013

New SWS Development Application: Waste Remediation Facility at Copping Landfill Site‏

An important new development in our fight against the C Cell at Copping has unfolded. On Saturday the 30th November Sorell Council published a Public Notice in the Mercury announcing it has received a development application from Southern Waste Solutions (SWS) to develop a Waste Remediation Facility at Copping Landfill Site. This remediation facility is designed to process soils and other toxic materials.
While waste remediation is certainly a step in the right direction away from direct landfill (as per the proposed C Cell), SBSC still maintains serious concerns about the suitability of the Copping Landfill Site for any toxic waste processing facilities given its unacceptable proximity to the Carlton River Catchment, flawed geology of the site and the lack of key strategic policies and fundamental environmental and traffic management studies, as outlined in the attached media release which will be sent out today.
SBSC is calling on members to consider making a public submission in relation to the proposed Waste Remediation Facility during the public representation period, which closes on Monday 16th December.
·         Full details of the development application are available on the EPA website: http://epa.tas.gov.au/regulation/southern-waste-solutions,-waste-remediation-facility,-copping
·         The Environmental Effects Report (ERR) can be viewed on the EPA website: http://epa.tas.gov.au/regulation/southern-waste-solutions,-waste-remediation-facility,-copping   
·         Alternatively, full documentation is available for public viewing in person at either at the Sorell Council Offices (47 Cole St, Sorell) or at Service Tasmania (134 Macquarie St, Hobart).
·         Tips on writing a public representation are available on the EPA website: http://epa.tas.gov.au/regulation/guide-for-preparing-a-public-submission

Friday, 8 November 2013

Visit the Sustainable Living Festival tomorrow - Saturday 9th and Sunday 10th

Come and see the SBCS Southern Beaches stand and say hello and there is so much more. Wearable art, Sea Urchin Design fashion show, eco buildings, conserving the natural environment, the world of bees and honey, great food.

SBCS Stand at the Sustainable Living Festival, Princes Wharf No. 1, Salamanca

Saturday, 28 September 2013

Sustainable Living Festival

We are very pleased to be having a stall at the upcoming Sustainable Living Festival in November to showcase all that the Southern Beaches has to offer.  For further details click here :http://www.sustainablelivingexpo.org.au/

Sunday, 8 September 2013