Saturday, 29 September 2012

Last chance to send in your submissions to Southern Waste Solutions

A final reminder to get your submissions into Southern Waste Solutions before the end of September 2012.

Their email address for this is - 

Please CC your submission and your response to us at -
so that we have a record and can start putting your concerns and SWS' response up on this website - anonymously of course!

Don't give SWS an opportunity to say hardly anyone submitted concerns...

Friday, 28 September 2012

Invitation - Dump The Toxic Dump/Carlton River Catchment & Southern Beaches Conservation Society meeting

Dear Friends of Dump The Toxic Dump (DTTD)/Carlton River Catchment and Southern Beaches Conservation Society (CRCSBCS),

While much has happened in recent weeks in relation to the Copping landfill C-cell proposal, one development has been the gradual formalisation of our structure, essentially meaning that DTTD will focus upon the specific C-cell campaign as CRCSBCS takes on some of the wider duties as an organisation, with a variety of overlapping and complementary functions. CRCSBCS will provide a centralised point of contact and information and enable you to keep in touch with our progress or get involved as you may please.

When Carlton River Catchment and Southern Beaches Conservation Society's formation was first proposed at Dodges Ferry recently, a number of people submitted contact details with the intention of registering for membership. While membership status remains relatively informal at this stage, we encourage anyone who has attended the various public meetings, rallies and joined online communities, or otherwise has an interest in being involved and informed, to attend the next Carlton River Catchment and Southern Beaches Conservation Society meeting as follows:

Okines Community House, Dodges Ferry on Monday 1st October 2012 at 6pm

Once again, please feel welcome to attend if you can and have not already received notification of this meeting. There is no need to confirm attendance but feel free to get in touch with any queries or comments via

Wednesday, 26 September 2012

Next Carlton River Catchment & Southern Beaches Conservation Society meeting

Carlton River Catchment & Southern Beaches Conservation Society will next meet at Okines Community House, Dodges Ferry on Monday 1st October 2012 at 6pm.
 Please forward any agenda item requests and other related correspondence to

Saturday, 15 September 2012

Last chance to tell 'Roundabout Sorell' how you feel

Roundabout Sorell will close for STOP PRESS editorial submissions at 6pm Saturday the 22nd September.

If you have a comment I invite your short and sharp words on this matter. No more than 50 words. Civil and constructive. Your option to have your name published or not. Frankly stating for or against..

Roundabout welcomes  both sides of the debate and I value input where ever you stand on this matter. If you know someone who has an opinion on this I extend this invitation to them through you. Your comments will not be shared publicly until they are published in the October edition.

Please email your comments to

Friday, 14 September 2012

HURRY - Send In Your Submissions...


Quick reminder to get your submissions into Southern Waste Solutions before the end of September 2012.

Their email address for this is - 

Please CC your submission and your response to us at -
so that we have a record and can start putting your concerns and SWS' response up on this website - anonymously of course!

Don't give SWS an opportunity to say hardly anyone submitted concerns...

Wednesday, 12 September 2012

SWS Public Meeting Tonight 12 September

Dear Fellow Opponents of the Carlton River Toxic Waste Dump!


Tonight we have the opportunity in the presence of media to question Southern Waste Solutions on their proposed hazardous waste facility. Please come armed with the hard questions - we want to show Tasmanians that SWS do not have the facts to back up their statements. 

However, if our questions are going to be vetted or screened in any way, we ask for your support in leaving the hall with us in a mass walkout in order to demonstrate our disgust in a process so obviously fake. 

Christine Bell has said publicly many times that this facility will go ahead regardless of public concern. This voluntary consultation and submission process is nothing more than lip service.

In the Mercury this morning, Christine Bell said -

  • this facility will increase our property values! 
Our thoughts - To say that proximity to a Toxic Waste Dump will increase property values is a ludicrous and unsubstantiated comment to make.

  • this facility will clean up the already polluted Carlton River!
Our thoughts - By what possible mechanism can a tip clean up the water quality of a river? What scientific evidence does she have for this statement?

  • this facility is not Toxic! 
Our thoughts - Southern Waste Solutions must now clearly demonstrate to the whole scientific community that not a single one of those substances is toxic to human health.

REMEMBER - If our questions are screened or vetted in any way the process is a farce. Please support us and the campaign by leaving the room in a mass walkout if we call for one.

MEDIA RELEASE 10th September 2012

Carlton River Catchment & Southern Beaches Conservation Society
Dump the Toxic Dump
P.O. Box 92, Dodges Ferry, TASMANIA, 7177

For Immediate Release. Monday 10th September 2012


Hazardous waste disposal is clearly a state-wide issue, not a council one,” says Claire Burnet from the Carlton River Catchment & Southern Beaches Conservation Society, who are now running the Dump The Toxic Dump campaign. 

“This issue needs careful consideration from a state-wide perspective, so that we can ascertain the most suitable ways of dealing with hazardous waste in respect to environmental and public health risks.” 

“We acknowledge there is a need to securely deal with toxic waste in Tasmania” said Claire, “But the Government must also acknowledge and guarantee that dumping hazardous waste into a landfill site is an absolute last resort, to be considered only when all other options have been exhausted.”

“We are calling on the Tasmanian Government to develop a state-wide hazardous waste policy for Tasmania, similar to what was recommended in the 'Current and Future Controlled Waste Practices in Tasmania” Draft Report, written for the Tasmanian Government in 2008 by Sustainable Infrastructure Australia.”

This policy should give careful consideration to a range of issues including, but not limited to:

  • Putting the onus back onto business and industry to reduce their hazardous waste outputs; 
  • Encouraging innovation and technological advances in the fields of reprocessing, recycling and reusing such waste;  
  • Investigating more environmentally friendly methods for disposing of such waste - of which there are many; and 
  • Research into alternative sites for hazardous waste disposal facilities where the impacts and possible risks to both the environment and public health are minimised.


For further information, please contact Dump the Toxic Dump:

Monday, 10 September 2012

MEDIA RELEASE 9th September 2012

Dump the Toxic Dump
P.O. Box 92, Dodges Ferry, TASMANIA, 7177

For Immediate Release                     
Sunday9th September2012

Southern Waste Solutions’ (SWS) offer to re-consult with community is all smoke and mirrors.

Organisers of Dump the Toxic Dump, a community group established to fight the development of a Category C toxic waste cell in the Carlton River Catchment, say the process offered by SWS is fake and pointless because they already hold a permit to construct and operate it.

“This process is fundamentally flawed and a waste of time because SWS have already
told us they will construct and operate this cell regardless of issues raised by the community,” said Paul Reardon of Dump the Toxic Dump.

“The E
nvironmental Protection Authority has acknowledged that any consultation post-approval is a matter entirely for SWS and the EPA has no input into this. The EPA will not be a party to this consultation.”

SWS is under no legal obligation to answer questions from the community and will only answer them if, when and how they see fit. There are no statutory requirements here
– it’s all at the discretion of SWS.

“If they are serious about addressing community concerns in a meaningf
ul and transparent manner, they need to voluntarily revoke the permit they have been granted by the EPA and start the whole process again.”

“If they are 100% confident of the Category C Cell’s design, the location’s suitability
and they are certain of their ability to address all community concerns, then they’ve got nothing to lose by starting this process afresh” concluded Mr Reardon.


For further information, please contact Dump the Toxic Dump:

Sunday, 9 September 2012

Pro-forma letter for you to send out


Please use this pro-forma letter to write or email everyone listed below, outlining your concerns with this Toxic Dump and the way it has been handled, including the fake consultation & submission process we have been offered. It is ludicrous to offer this process but at the same time remain adamant it will go ahead regardless.

Letters to the Editor need to be sent often - every day if you can. A few new points each time. We need this topic to be in the media everyday.

Use our letter as it is; as a guide; or write your own. Don't forget to add the correct details where you see red text.
You can also email us for a copy of the letter at

Your name
and address here

Date in September 2012

RE: Help stop the Carlton River Toxic Waste Dump

Dear elected Councillor,

The company Southern Waste Solutions has recently received approvals from the Environment Protection Authority (EPA) and the Sorell Council to construct and operate a controlled waste C-cell or high level hazardous waste disposal site between Copping and Carlton River – we refer to it as the Carlton River Toxic Waste Dump.

The local community is united in its demand that the permit for the Carlton River Toxic Waste Dump be revoked and we ask you to assist us to achieve this.

The proposed dump has the potential to receive virtually all types of ‘level three’ or high level non-liquid hazardous waste including many substances which are toxic to humans. 

We fear there is a high risk that many toxic materials will escape into the environment and cause serious damage to human health, the natural environment and local industries, in particular tourism, aquaculture and farming.

Most materials which are likely to be dumped will never break down or become less hazardous. Most materials will remain a hazard well beyond the 100 year life span of the dump and perhaps last in the ground for ever.

Our primary concerns relate to the risk of toxic materials escaping into the ground water or streams and ending up in the nearby Carlton River, Fredrick Henry Bay and onto Carlton Beach. 

It seems almost certain that some dust will escape from the dump during strong winds, especially as toxic materials are off-loaded and while the active dump face is exposed.

There is also a possibility that trucks carrying waste to the dump site could have accidents and release toxic materials in nearby towns or even in Hobart.

We are not at all convinced by the methods proposed by the proponent to prevent material leaching into the ground water or waterways. Also many of the risks from dust are not even acknowledged and the measures that are proposed are unlikely to totally contain it.

The company claims that their approach is world best practice but we have found many serious flaws in their proposal.

The site proposed for the Carlton River Toxic Waste Dump is not ideal in many respects as it is within 200m of tributaries of the Carlton River and the main river is only 800m away. The water table at this site is known to be very close to the surface, the area is subject to high seismic activity and it lies over a significant geological fault. Seismic activity was not considered in the assessment and the geological risks were glossed over. The threat from rising water tables was addressed solely by a commitment to pumping water which is clearly not failsafe.

There is a real possibility of a catastrophic failure of the leachate barrier through a major breach caused by the water table rising, seismic activity or an accident involving heavy machinery or use of explosives but this possibility was never considered in the assessment process. Consequently, the project was approved without any contingency plans for catastrophic failure. This may have been because there is no way of repairing a landfill leachate barrier after it has hazardous material in it and neither the proponent nor the regulators wanted to draw attention to this fundamental flaw.

Even though the Copping-Carlton area is clearly not ideal, it appears that virtually no effort was made to assess other potential locations for a toxic waste dump.

To make things worse, hardly any one in the local community, including Copping, Dodges Ferry and Sorell knew about the proposed toxic waste dump until after it was approved. It appears that both the Sorell Council and the Environment Protection Authority did the bare minimum which was required of them by advertising the development in newspapers and on their web sites and by notifying the immediate adjacent land owners. This is the first high level hazardous waste dump ever proposed for Tasmania and everyone in the local municipality and perhaps across Tasmania should have been made aware of it and had an opportunity to comment prior to a development application being made and before Copping-Carlton Beach area was chosen.

The local community is united in its demand that the permit for this toxic dump be revoked. The permit holder, Southern Waste Solutions, is a company entirely owned by the Sorell, Clarence, Tasman and Kingborough councils and is therefore owned by the ratepayers and should be operated in their interests. It is entirely reasonable for the community to insist that the permit be revoked by the proponent. The board which controls Southern Waste Solutions simply needs to listen to the community and decide to tear up the permit for the Carlton River toxic Waste Dump.

We have written to all state Members of parliament and Councillors of the Sorell, Tasman, Clarence and Kingborough councils. We ask you to do all that is within your power to assist the local community to stop the Carlton River Toxic Waste Dump.

We understand that currently the proponent does not have funding but they are hopeful of receiving government funding. We urge you to make every effort to prevent any local, state or Australian government funding being offered to assist with this project. We further ask that you directly pressure the board of Southern waste solutions to tear up its permit.

Whilst we acknowledge that there is a need to securely deal with toxic waste in Tasmania, we believe the disposal of hazardous waste is clearly a state-wide issue and therefore needs to be carefully considered from a state-wide perspective to ascertain the most suitable way of dealing with this waste with respect to both environmental and public health risks.

We are calling on State Government and politicians to develop a state-wide hazardous waste policy for Tasmania, similar to what was recommended in the 'Current and Future Controlled Waste Practices in Tasmania Draft Report' which was written for the Tasmanian State Government in 2008 by Sustainable Infrastructure Australia. We believe such a policy should give careful consideration to a range of issues including, but not limited to:
  • Putting the onus back onto business and industry to reduce their hazardous waste outputs; 
  • Encouraging innovation and technological advances in the fields of reprocessing, recycling and reusing such waste;  
  • Investigating more environmentally friendly methods for disposing of such waste - of which there are many; and 
  • Research into alternative sites for hazardous waste disposal facilities where the impacts and possible risks to both the environment and public health are minimised.
The Government must acknowledge and guarantee that dumping hazardous waste into a landfill site is an absolute last resort, to be considered only when all other options have been exhausted. If this toxic waste dump is built in the Carlton River Catchment without other measures in place, then dumping toxic waste into landfill will become the first option rather than the last.

Yours sincerely,

(sign then type your name here)

Sorell Council 
PO Box 126, SORELL, TAS 7172

MAYOR (Acting)

Mike Purdon does not have an email address but can be contacted by post

Letters to the Editor - must be short and sweet to be published.

POST:   Level 1, 2 Salamanca Square, Hobart, Tasmania 7000 

Saturday, 8 September 2012

Dump the toxic dump - Eleven things you can do right now !!!

Dump the toxic dump - Eleven things you can do right now !!!

1. Monday 10 September morning from 9.00am – ABC local radio 93.6am
Call or text in your questions/comments when Leon Compton will be talking to Southern Waste Solutions; ABC will keep this conversation going as long as the questions keep coming in. Remember we are not satisfied with this dump, we are not impressed by their consultat
ion and we will not stop until this development stops!!

ABC - Phone 1300 222 936
Text 0438 222 936

2. Write and/or email to as many State, Federal (including Senators) and Local (council) politicians as possible – and not just one letter but as many as you can send. A list of addresses and emails has already been posted to the Facebook Group and is in ‘Files’. We are hoping a pro-forma letter with room for your questions etc will be available soon if you want to use this – or please use your own letter.

3. Write to Brian Wightman Tasmanian Minister for Environment, Parks and Heritage

4. Write to David O’Byrne whose Ministerial portfolio includes economic development and infrastructure

5. Write to the Director (Alex Schaap) and the Board of the Environmental Protection Agency

6. Write to Southern waste solutions CEO (Christine Bell), Directors (John Brennan to name one) and Board

7. Write to the Editor of the Mercury, the Examiner, the Advocate and any other news media you can voicing your concerns

8. Join in online conversations – Comment online (i.e. the Mercury), Facebook, Blog site, Twitter or any other online medium you have available to you – Post on other people’s/group Facebook timelines or blogs – i.e. Politicians, News Media, etc

9. Research - get your questions ready – write them down, ask your questions in your letters. Any research that you think would be useful or informative (anything) please email to the

10. Sign the official (legal) petition – get a copy of the petition and get signatures – we need a large number of signatures in a very short timeframe. If you would like a copy to print off please email

11. Print flyers and distribute (i.e. letter box drop) to any residents in this Municipality, and any others residents in other Municipalities who are part owners of the tip site i.e. Clarence, Tasman and Kingborough. Share flyers, information etc with your colleagues, friends, families, businesses – We need to keep getting the word out as many are still sticking their heads in the sand or just not aware!

Please join the newly formed Carlton River Catchment and Southern Beaches Conservation Society (CRCSBCS) the legal entity that will be backing this campaign to stop the toxic dump. For information please email or go to

Remember YOUR VOICE DOES COUNT - If we put all our voices together they have to listen and completely halt this development!

Dump the Carlton River Toxic Dump Campaign

Community meeting Saturday 8th Sept. 2pm @ Okines Community House